Is Your Christmas Gift Giving Naughty or Nice?
If you know me at all, you know I'm a Christmasaholic. If this is your first time visiting the blog, realize that I am that annoying girl who gasps and jumps with excitement when I see the first Christmas display go up and whose body knows to release endorphins when I hear any song that begins with bells ringing. I wear my love of the fat man in the red suit with all the pride I can muster. My traditions list runs a mile long and this year I have an ACTUAL-REAL-LIVE-HOUSE I GET TO DECORATE!!!! Well, *technically* my husband Matt gets to decorate according to my exact specifications...(re: Griswold-worthy)
I'm also one of those people who falls squarely into two gift-giving categories.
Category #1 The Bestest Most Extraordinary Gift-Giver- At times, I am the absolute BEST gift-giver. I thoughtfully consider the person being gifted, who they are to me, what they really love or what is newly exciting to them. I plan and order everything for said incredible gift months in advance-whether I'm investing in an incredible experience for them, purchasing an amazing tangible present or both. I take my time considering how I will give it to that individual. Maybe I'll wrap it carefully with no less than 3 different types of ribbons or I'll figure out an even better way to gift it. One Christmas, I gifted my husband with a cruise and to give it to him I cut out letters that spelled "Bon Voyage". Then I sent him on a scavenger hunt throughout our building to collect all the letters. Another Christmas, I got my parents a framed sign that said "Thomas" but every letter was a photograph I took of something that resonated with their life. The "M" was the UGA arches because two of their kids graduated from Georgia. The "S" was shaped from the ribbon of my mom's Bible...and so on.
This may make me seem oh so incredible...but don't forget, I also fall squarely into...
Category #2 The Oh S*** I Just Need Something I Can Wrap Gift-Giver- This tends to happen when I'm too busy. I book too many clients and I'm just constantly working until I'm on my way to some Christmas function and I realize sonofab****...I forgot to get a present for said individual! It inevitably gets worse because I'm already late and grabbing a present means I'm going to be even later and the only places to stop on my way are gas stations or a Zaxby's. I also (shamefully) attempt to wrack my brain to make it look like I was being super thoughtful somehow..."I know how deep your love for fried chicken I fashioned these Zaxby's chicken fingers into the shape of your initials!!! Merry Chicken-mas!!!" Then I try to assuage my guilt by reminding myself that it's the "thought that counts" and "hey, they said they liked it, right!?".
Now, I'm not going to lie. For me, sometimes that really is ok with me. Like when you've been suckered into a White Elephant for example. Or when you drew names at your gym and you literally haven't spoked to that other person more than once and only to ask for a spot. BUT for me it's totally not ok to do that to someone who is an active person in my life whom I deeply love and care about. People like my family, closest friends and husband. Granted, my husband would probably appreciate Zaxby's chicken fingers. How I adore that man. **insert heart eyes**
All that to say, if you want to make your man's jaw drop by giving him something SUPER sexy and INCREDIBLY special this Christmas, plan a little bit ahead and gift him boudoir photos! My Christmas rush starts in September and Sep/Oct are already half full so get in touch ASAP if you're interested. Gifting him classy, stunning images of how beautiful you are will knock his socks off cause, let's be honest, Zaxby's doesn't hold a candle to you!