Unleash Her
Every day we get up and gear up. We put on our hats. The mom hat. Boss hat. Wife hat...It's so ingrained in us that it's how we introduce ourselves to others. Think about it..."Hi, I'm Meagan. I'm a photographer. Married. Mom to three furbabies." There's nothing wrong with listing facts about yourself to someone new so that you can begin to connect with them. But sometimes I'm not so sure that's what we're doing-or at least that's not always what I'm doing. For me, something as benign as an introduction can suddenly morph into making a case for my worth. It's like stepping up to a scale and trying to pile in all the aspects of me where I find identity in order to convince the other person that I’m worthy.
The fact is, each and everyone of us has a soul. A soul that dreams and hopes. Cares and feels. Moves towards others and builds relationships. Decides what is important to us. What's worth chasing and what's worth walking away from. Sadly, we tend to keep her locked away. Chained to the bottom of our hearts.
It's time to unleash her.
It can be scary. Terrifying even. Because we all have that inner critic that whispers things like, "but what if you truly aren't enough? What if all your greatest fears and insecurities are true?" I'm here to tell you are far far more than enough. You are more beautiful than you know. And your worth is truly immeasurable. Yes, YOU. Without a doubt. Unequivocally. Full stop.
That's the true goal of a boudoir session. That's what we strive to do. It takes a great deal of strength to tell that voice to shut up. It takes courage to be that vulnerable. To believe in your worth apart from the roles you play in your life. It's not about stripping down to convince others, it's about stripping down to convince yourself. To embrace the essence of who you are and to celebrate her. She is so worth celebrating.