Falling in Love with Yourself Pt 2

To continue with last weeks blog (if you haven’t read that you can here) I’m still beating the “love yourself” drum. I don’t play any *actual* instruments, but this is a drum I’ll never stop banging on. I truly believe the world would change in a beautiful, yet unrecognizable way, if I could snap my fingers and suddenly everyone knew their worth. It certainly revolutionized my life last year when I really started to lean into valuing my own heart the way I value those around me. Here are some more tangible, applicable ways I learned (and continue to learn) how to enjoy and savor being in my own company.

Surround Yourself with Positive Influences This one is so huge, but often overlooked. Take a minute and evaluate the people and influences in your life. Who has your attention? How do the 5 people you spend the most time with make you feel? How do they feel about themselves? How do they feel about you? Are they encouraging you towards your dreams and growth towards your best self? Or do they seem satisfied with mediocrity and question you anytime you attempt to imagine a wild, beautiful life beyond that? How would your life change if you were surrounded with people who uplifted and supported you? If you don’t have anyone like that, it may be time to seek out some positive role models or mentors who inspire you.

Beyond the friends you surround yourself with, also pay attention to what you consume. What do your eyes take in in a day? What podcasts/radio stations/instagram influencers/tv shows/movies/books do you engage with? Are you taking in creative, inspiring and hopeful messaging? Or is the messaging you receive every day reinforcing all the lies out there about where we should get our perceived value? I’m not asking you to quit all the guilty pleasures, but add in “self love tiktok” or follow some inspirational people so the constant barrage of negative messaging isn’t the only thing you’re hearing.

Celebrate Your Accomplishments I am the biggest cheerleader for everyone around me! It just comes natural. My clients, friends, the stranger running uphill at 12:00pm in August in Atlanta. Doesn’t really matter who, I love enthusiastically standing next to people as they engage their lives-especially if it takes extra strength, gumption, or bravery. What would happen if you took the time to acknowledge and celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how big or small? Sitting back and reflecting on your progress you've made on your journey can be so affirming. Remembering that every moment you weren’t sure you were going to make it, somehow you did it. Every. Single. Time. If you have a crap memory (like me!) keeping a journal of your achievements, milestones, and moments of growth can be so helpful to refer back to. Doesn’t have to be anything fancy, just a bullet list will do just fine. But celebrating yourself reinforces that positive self-image, and that will help you continue to build self-confidence.

Practice Gratitude This is another one that tends to fly under the radar. Gratitude is a powerful tool on the path to self-love. It seems counter-intuitive to imagine looking outwards to appreciate something/someone else can have such an inward impact. But it also makes so much sense. Have you ever been around someone who feels like a black hole of negativity? I know for me, I leave those interactions completely drained. Whereas someone who has a naturally positive and grateful outlook will absolutely fill my soul up! An easy way to cultivate a daily gratitude practice is by naming three things you are genuinely thankful for before your feet hit the floor in the morning, or as you’re prepping for bed in the evening. My mind already naturally wanders during both of those times and it doesn’t take too much effort to gently guide it towards what you want it to think about. Gratitude opens your heart and deepens your connection to yourself and your entire beautiful life!

Falling in love with yourself is a transformative journey, and it starts with self-compassion, self-discovery, self-care, positive influences, self-celebration, and gratitude. Remember, it's okay to take small steps and be patient with yourself along the way. Embrace your unique essence, cherish your journey, and know that you are worthy of self-love. You deserve to live a life filled with joy, acceptance, and a deep appreciation for the amazing person that you are!

Meagan O'Neal
Meagan O'Neal is an Atlanta based photographer who specializes in boudoir photography. Every woman deserves to truly connect with her beauty.

What Exactly is Boudoir Photography?


Falling in Love with Yourself Pt.1