Falling in Love with Yourself Pt.1

In a world that tells us we need to be more, do more, and look a certain way, it's important to remember that loving yourself is a journey worth embarking on. This is the same world that tells us we need to find someone else to fall in love with us, instead of falling in love with ourselves. Self-love is not a destination but a lifelong practice of acceptance, compassion, and celebration of your unique essence. Here are some of the actionable steps that have genuinely helped heal my relationship with myself.

Practice Self-Compassion The first step on the path to self-love is to become aware around how you speak to yourself. How would you personify how you talk to yourself? Is it like a child being chastised by a parent? Is it like a drill sergeant? Or are you gentle with yourself, just as you would be with a dear friend. Acknowledging your strengths doesn’t mean you don’t also acknowledge opportunities for growth. Treat yourself with kindness, understanding that you are human, and it's okay to make mistakes. Self-compassion is not about being perfect; it's about being understanding and nurturing towards yourself.

Discover Your Passions This one was huge for me. As I changed the perspective I had toward myself, I made room for the things that made my heart light up. Engaging in activities that ignited my soul and made me feel alive helped me continue to move toward those things. Whether it's painting, writing, dancing, or underwater basket-weaving, allow yourself the freedom to pursue what creatively lights you up. Just like when you’re building a new relationship, by nurturing your passions, you're nurturing your relationship with yourself.

Nurture Your Mind and Body I do not believe you can even begin to love yourself well if you aren’t paying attention to what your mind and body need. Prioritize self-care practices that nourish you from within. Move your body. Eat delicious, nourishing foods. Pack in those hours in the bed to get enough sleep. Make time for deep relaxation. Additionally, practice mindfulness or meditation to cultivate a sense of inner peace and awareness. Self-love is a journey that encompasses both loving from the inside out and from the outside in.

Those may seem like huge steps, but pick one and commit to it. As you change, you’ll genuinely never want to go back. Pt 2 coming next week!

Meagan O'Neal
Meagan O'Neal is an Atlanta based photographer who specializes in boudoir photography. Every woman deserves to truly connect with her beauty.

Falling in Love with Yourself Pt 2


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